Application maintenance and re-engineering

Connecting... Bridging... Integrating

Unleash our potential
The use of multiple software applications developed by diverse vendors is a reality in most companies. Limited by their annual IT budgets, companies are left with no choice but to gradually increase the scope of automation (using several off-the-shelf products) rather than attempt a complete overhaul.

Also, as technology advances, companies often see the need to adopt better and more efficient software applications to replace their old systems. Every investment in new software involves implementation, customization, training, and maintenance; and hence the need for professional services.

Again, older versions of applications require maintenance even after the original vendors cease to support them. The same applies to legacy systems. Companies need to continuously add "bridges" to make their older applications work alongside newer the ones.

NUEVO offers vendor-agnostic professional and re-engineering services so you can rely on a single team of experts to handle the following activities on an on-going basis

Implementation and customization

Migration and integration of diverse applications

Solutions enhancement

Re-engineering and reverse engineering

Application support and maintenance


Nuevo Telesoft is a Software Development (global IT solutions) company with over 6 years experience in providing a user friendly feature and customized solutions for small, medium and large businesses.